K15 - Insecurities EP
Life of a music blogger is nothing what you would imagine it. Unlike someone, let's say, who writes about fashion, we don't receive fancy dresses every other week. We get ugly emails advertising music we would never write about. Well, most of the time. To be honest, the moment when I started receiving promo emails was the moment when the fun in writing about music started fading away. Oh, the joy of discovery. It's been a long time since music was only available on physical formats, and while it's not all bad, I often feel that music lost some value in the process.
Anyway, it was only a couple of days ago that I received a package from the postman, my second in more than six years of blogging! Turns out it's the new K15 2xEP that came out in late October on Kyle Hall's Wild Oat imprint. I first met K15, or Kieron, in summer 2006 through a common friend, followed his music all over the years, eventually talked him into doing a podcast, and was mad proud when he was remixed by our musical hero Kaidi Tatham earlier this year. Next stop: Detroit!
I'm still listening to the second disc, but the first convinced me enough to write about it. Listening to the track above, techno producer Fabrice Lig was reminded of Titonton Duvanté, athe common friend of K15 and mine compared it to Mr Fingers. Well, both it's true: the first record ventures into the past, references classic house music from the eighties, with one track sampling the early nineties anthem Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless); the second record is a deeper, more sincere look at what house music has to offer. There are a couple of more samples on the Wild Oats online shop, if you need more convincing. It's also the only place I found that still has copies available.