As time goes by
About this time a year ago, the current design of the site went online. So I went a little through my files to share some previous incarnations and early drafts with you.
As you can see, the very first draft was very simple and the content was in rounded boxes. It even adjusted alright for different text lengths, but the idea was scrapped after all. The actual design was really simple then, as we didn't want to delay the launch of the site anymore as some of the content was already prepared. After a while, I noticed that old content quickly disappeared so it called for a new design that allowed banners for some of the older features. As for the second version of the site, I think it was easily the worst design so far, which is why it only lasted for about half a year. I find it quite interesting we always started with a bright layout while drafting, but changed it to something darker for improved readability.
It keeps surprising me that current version is only a year old, if feels much older. While it still has one or the other flaw, I think I could go on with it for a while, maybe polish it up a little bit some time this year.
If you want to leave any comment of suggestions or critique, this looks to be the right post to do so!